Monday 28 September 2015

Unit 27: Digital Image Capture

This unit will provide you with the opportunity to develop your digital image processing skills, using industry standard software. You will learn how to prepare and save images appropriately for specific purposes and to minimise common faults associated with digital image creation. Alongside this you will be introduced to the legal requirements, ethical issues and professional practices associated with digital image capture and processing.

Activity One;

You have been asked to shoot and submit 3 images for Bristol 7/24, an online and print news paper / site.

You have already shot your story as part of your Street People assignment.

You now need to work on these images.
You need to;

• Retouch to correct any exposure issues.
• Resize appropriately for web, newsprint and high quality print.
• And any the other evidence you can screen shot to complete your assignment

My Own Work 

My own pictures that i have worked on in photoshop and tried to correct any exposure issues and also crop and make into a good size, to be used for web and also for newsprint and would allow for a high quality print. 
I have put on four but i will select three for the final decision that i feel have worked the best. 

1st selection - Corn St market stalls 

I have also made some screen shots to show how i was able to make changes in Photoshop.

Screen shots i took whilst going through the editing of this particular image

2nd Selection - Christmas Steps 

Screen Shots 

There are quite a lot of screen shots for this image as there were a lot of things i needed to do, some being quite small. 

3rd Selection - Corn St

Screen Shots

This image was had not so much editing although the people walking up the pavement do have a slight blur of movement as they're walking, which isn't so good.

4th Selection - St Nicks Market 

Screen Shots

I did like how this photograph showed the inside of the market, it has a really nice old steel arched roof to the building and also some of the christmas light are on. It has a good depth of field and the light from the other end draws you in.  

Activity Two:

This is also your first piece of commissioned work and you know you need to be clear about how you protect your copyright.

• Write a copyright report of 500 words. Consider how it would affect you as a photographer if sharing your work online or working for a client.

Copyright report

This is a copyright report for the photography work and all work that is produced will be protected by these guidelines.

The copyright for the photographers own work/artwork as it is classed whatever grade it is that they have created would be owned by them, unless they work for a company and the work is taken on contractual duties and it will belong to them. 
Work shall only be used for clients, individual people, organisations, companies, Newspapers, magazines and advertisements that the photographer would agree with. 

No work would be used without any notification to any customer and if so, legal proceedings would then follow. None of the work should be copied in any way at all and used without the photographers permission, if so this would be breaking the law. Any work that was to  be copied could be done with permission from the photographer.
If work of a Photographer is looked at and the name of them can not be found after an extensive search, with legal proof of search, legal Judgement can be made to class the photographs as 'ORPHAN WORK'. This would then give an individual or company the copyright of the work itself, until the photographer who took the pictures would come forward  with proof of the creation of the Work of Art.      
The photographer should be notified or shown any changes and work that is used for commercial purposes, they should be given the final word to see if they would agree with how it is being used they are able to refuse permission for any reason.
No abusive or inappropriate content should appear with the work without them seeing what it would be. The photographers name should not be used for any other work that is not produced by them and would not want to have work used in any way that they would not agree with. If you were to include people it is possible for you to get them to sign a model release form, which makes it legal to publish the picture in any particular way including the person or people maybe.
All the work would include a watermark that will display their name and if seen by the public eye, can be traced back to them, the image program Adobe Photoshop does have the option of including a Watermark. Footprints can also be used, these are intentional mistakes or hidden sections that will only be seen by you. It really is quite important to be marking your own work so that anyone viewing your images are made clear that a copyright is included and they would have to get your permission before using them.
Copyright registration updates are also used if you make any updates to your own work, this will allow you to show any progression, you are able to do this but still keep the original date when you made it.  

The copyright of their work will last for seventy years after they have passed away which began in 1996, after it being only 50 years before.

After following the guidelines of Copyright that makes it a very good way of protecting your work and does not allow it to be used in any way you disagree with. there are so many different things to consider that cover so many areas stopping people or organisations from using what you've created how they would like.

Adding a watermark to your own work

This was a picture that was taken out of a window just after sunset, by following the interaction I've managed to add a watermark on the top righthand corner of the image, i was able to use the colour dodge selection on Photoshop, It works well as its not to bold but its still quite easy to see, the colour has different tones on the sky and window frame which would make it harder for somebody to remove it.


Screen shot of how i was able to water mark a picture in photoshop.

i didn't want the mark to be to big as it would become quite pixelated on the edges although i think think this size is easily seen and has sharper edges.

Work Flow - Technical Details



This was a really good unit, retouching photographs in Photoshop is definitely something you would use quite a lot especially with commercial photography, you are able to edit and  adjust so many different things in a picture I've taken, you would be able to make a photo exactly how a customer wanted. 
Adding a watermark is something you would definitely need to use as a professional photographer to stop people from using your work without you agreeing. 

Hockney joiners (The Cheater’s Way.)

 David Hockney made a series of images in what is now termed “Hockney Joiners”, by simply taking many images of the same subject and surrounding area and simply joining them together in a montage. The process has been copied and repeated many times in the name of art.

This is my version of the "Hockney joiner" I'm really the happy with the final picture that I've made using the tutorial video that I followed. I decided that when splitting the squares up, I wouldn't mix them up to much so you are still able to see the shape of his face and it doesn't make it to abstract. It has still worked well as you can see the shadow of the each underlying square which makes a great effect, this is done by changing the opacity of the layer.
It was such a good picture to use for this especially with his tooth cap saying R Z A right in the middle.

Screen Shots from Photoshop follow the different stages.

Splitting the image up into a 25 square grid to allow you split in apart.

It did make it a lot easier and quicker to use the actions box to repeat the same thing when selecting each square selection.

This was great to actually start moving the different square selections around and trying to decide where you wanted them to be.


I thought this was a good project and it really does make you realise how much you can do with Photoshop to change, alter and edit a photograph after you've taken it. It can take a bit of time when you're trying these different processes for the first time but it won't take long to get used to it and you're able to do it no problem.

I think this manipulation of an image could be used again if you were able to produce a flyer for a music event a festival of some kind, it could also be used for advertising or promotional work. I think this would definitely be seen in magazines and on peoples websites even for a company, there are many areas where it could be used.  

Unit Evaluation

This was a really good unit, retouching photographs in Photoshop is definitely something you would use quite a lot especially with commercial photography, I am able to edit and  adjust so many different things in a picture I've taken, you would be able to make a photo exactly how a customer wanted. 
Adding a watermark is something you would definitely need to use as a professional photographer to stop people from using your work without you agreeing. 

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